Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I would like to configure a SOAP Endpoint on SQLServer 2005 as
AUTHENTICATION = (DIGEST) (.. PORTS = (CLEAR) ...), but when I do this, even
the IE can't connect anymore. Has anybody experience with this
authentication-method ?
The intention is to connect a small device, which only speaks TCP/IP to the
SQL Server. Or are ther any other possibilities to to this ?
SoerenHi Sren,
Just a guess, but are you running SQL Server on Windows XP SP2? The version
of IIS on this OS can't share port 80. So, if this is the case, run either
the HTTP Endpoint or IIS on a different ports. In HTTP Endpoint, its just a
parameter in the PORTS keyword.
Bob Beauchemin
"Sren Rose" <rose@.inray.de> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I would like to configure a SOAP Endpoint on SQLServer 2005 as
> AUTHENTICATION = (DIGEST) (.. PORTS = (CLEAR) ...), but when I do this,
> even
> the IE can't connect anymore. Has anybody experience with this
> authentication-method ?
> The intention is to connect a small device, which only speaks TCP/IP to
> the
> SQL Server. Or are ther any other possibilities to to this ?
> Thanks,
> Soeren
>|||Hi Bob,
I'm running Win2003 Server, so thats not the problem, but I figured out what
the problem was: I have to create a domain and use a User from the domain. I
tried it with an local user an this faild. This is documented on the MS
Website too:
"The credentials sent as part of a digest authentication over HTTP must be
mapped to a valid Windows domain account. Local user accounts are not
supported for Windows-based digest authentication. "
Now it works :-)
"Bob Beauchemin" <bobb_no_spam@.SQLskills.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hi Sren,
> Just a guess, but are you running SQL Server on Windows XP SP2? The
> of IIS on this OS can't share port 80. So, if this is the case, run either
> the HTTP Endpoint or IIS on a different ports. In HTTP Endpoint, its just
> parameter in the PORTS keyword.
> Cheers,
> Bob Beauchemin
> http://www.SQLskills.com/blogs/bobb
> "Sren Rose" <rose@.inray.de> wrote in message
> news:eTvULM5iGHA.1640@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

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