Thursday, March 29, 2012

Auto fill in colums trough foreign key relationship

I have a table users where there is a user_id and an department column.
Also i have a table called KRS where there are the same columns, when a userid is given i want to auto fill in the departmentid,
Can someone help me with this?
Cheers WimYou want help creating a denormalized database?


If you absolutely need to do this, you can accomplish it through an INSERT trigger on your KRS table.

Why are you duplicating data like this?|||You want help creating a denormalized database?


If you absolutely need to do this, you can accomplish it through an INSERT trigger on your KRS table.

Why are you duplicating data like this?I keep trying to shoot myself it the foot, but the rifle wobbles when I pull the trigger. Can one of you guys hold it for me?

I actually thought about trying to formulate a reply to this question, but nothing I wrote seemed fit to post. I'm thinking that a VIEW would make life a lot easier in the long run, what do you think?


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