hey all
Not sure if I have this in the right forum - please direct me otherwise people.
This is my set-up
Windows Server 2003 (NZDEV)
Virtual Server (nzvmw1) - Visual Studio 2005
Sql Server Express Edition with Advanced Services
Tools = Reporting Services
on my computer - I have deployed a report up to the nzvmw1 server
using url nzvmw1/reports - I can see everything
my user nzdev/user (admin rights)
I have two other users - they are users on nzdev (not with admin rights)
if they use url nzvmw1/reports - the password screen comes up
nzdev/***** and password I set for them - page comes up but no folders
I don't know where else to give them permissions (and don't think I should be making everyone Admins)
can someone advise.
Did you assign to your users report rights ? You can do it in "Home\Site settings\Configure site-wide security" (you must have admin rights to do that). In there you can assign system roles to <domain name>\<user name> or <group name>. To System roles you assign allowed report actions in "Home\Site settings\Configure System-level role definitions". You can also assign rights to every report item on your report server.
|||thanks heaps for the reply
On reading a little more
it seems I cannot see the pre-defined folders? to assign the roles
eg if I go to http://localhost/reports$SQLEXPRESS = HTTP error 404
which is the add most doco says to go to - to see Home folders
This has been a very messy install.
Can it be something not turned on?
|||ok just an update here
if I go to servername/reports - I can now assign either an admin or a user role - but I don't have the window that shows Brose, content Manager etc to actually assing further?
|||Look, these are standard configuration issues. Read some Books Online. You should find there everything you need (right now).
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