Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Authentication across internet

From what I have understood, Reporting Services could be configured to use Basic Authentication. In this way, a user can access a RS-server across the internet and he/she will be prompted for a valid username/password when trying to access.

However, from what I can understand this username and password will be sent uncrypted over the Internet (from the client machine to the RS-server), right?

My problem is, I need to give access to users acress the internet to a RS-server. The users uses all kind of operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS tec). And the communication needs to be encrypted.

How would you recommend me to implement security for this solution? I guess some kind of "Forms authentication" will have to be used? But how to make sure the data traffic is encrypted? And where do you recommend me to store the username and passwords? In an Active Directory on the server side, or in a separate database on the server side?

regards Andreas

You need to set up your report server to use SSL, that way all communication is encrypted. This would be done in IIS but also requires some config chages to reporting services.

Both Basic authentication and Forms would work in this scenario.

Use AD for the user accounts if possible.


Thank you for your quick reply!
My SSL experience is very limited as well, but I guess it means that I need to buy a certificate from some trusted store? Otherwise the clients will always be warned when trying to connect, right?

Regards Andreas

|||If you have a fix client list, give them a link to download your own CA public key should be good enough. Of coz if its facing internet I suggest you pay for SSL. Not only your authentication, your report data are flying nude via the line, I guess that might be another issue and reason why SSL is required.|||

Ok, thank you for your answers! An SSL-certificate it will be!

Just so that I didn't missunderstood. If I configure IIS to use SSL, the login name and password will be safly encrypted, even if I use Basic authentication, or?

Regards Andreas

|||Yes, ALL communication is encrypted.sql

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