Hi! I have changed some attribut relations in a time dimension user hierarchy(SSAS2005 SP1), from flexible to rigid. When I try to deploy this change to the server the whole process stops with these strange error messages:
"Error 1 File system error:
Error opening file; \\?\D:\MSSQL\MSSQL.2\OLAP\Data\SalesStatistics.0.db\Sales Statistics 2.0.cub\Sales Master Cube.0.det\Sales Master Cube.0.prt\35.agg.rigid.data
is not a disk file or file is not accessible."
The next error repeats several times for all named sets I have built for the time dimension:
"Error 2 MdxScript(Sales Statistics Facilities) (174, 6)
The dimension '[RecentMonth]' was not found in the cube when the string, [RecentMonth], was parsed. 0 0 "
[RecentMonth] is actually a named set, that exist, with the following code:
([Time].[Time_Calendar].Currentmember,[Measures].[Sales SEK])>0))
My other named sets use this set as a reference like Last12Months and so on.
It is the first named set in a collection of named sets. All named sets are placed last in the scripting tab i BI-Dev Studio.
Any ideas?
Thomas Ivarsson
Problem is solved. I removed the named sets for the time dimension, processed the cube without them and processed again with the the same named sets.
SSAS 2005 probably use an internal identifier for the dimension that the named sets are mapped to. Changing attribut relation types probably means a new identifier/version of the dimension.
/Thomas Ivarsson
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