I'm having a little bit of a problem and i have no clue what's going on.
May be somebody can explain me how the following expression could generate the
"Attempted to divide by zero" error. I would really appreciate good advice.
Briefly about report itself - one dataset, on single table with three groups
this is a thid one. Grouping works just fine, but SUM/SUM in a footer of group #3
gives an error. Datatypes: JTD_Hours is decimal(18,2), JTD_Dollars is money.
None of the fields is NULL, all nulls converted to Zeros on dataset level.
Dataset created as result of stored procedure.
Here it is:
=IIf( Sum(Fields!JTD_Hours.Value,"table1_CostCode") = 0, 0, Sum(Fields!JTD_Dollars.Value,"table1_CostCode")/Sum(Fields!JTD_Hours.Value,"table1_CostCode"))
IIF is a function call which evaluates all arguments before it executes. Hence, given your expression a division by zero is possible.
Try the following expression instead:
=IIf( Sum(Fields!JTD_Hours.Value,"table1_CostCode") = 0, 0, Sum(Fields!JTD_Dollars.Value,"table1_CostCode") / iif(Sum(Fields!JTD_Hours.Value,"table1_CostCode") = 0, 1, Sum(Fields!JTD_Hours.Value,"table1_CostCode")))
In general, you want a pattern like this to avoid division by zero:
=iif(B=0, 0, A / iif(B=0, 1, B))
-- Robert
I appreciate your response.
Your tip really helped and now i see why it didn't work.
but i would have to admit that it's kind of wrong way how IIf works but it could be just me.
Anyhow, many thanks for you advice.
It seems to me make more sence to create a custom function in a code section something like XdivY(x, y, whenYIsZero) so i can reuse this code over and over again.
-- Robert|||
The previous posts helped me a lot. I am new to coding and have the same problem but when I am trying to divide the totals on for a group. This is the code that is currently being used.
=Iif(ReportItems!Total_GALLONS1.Value > 0,ReportItems!Total_REVENUE1.Value/ReportItems!Total_GALLONS1.Value, 0)
Any help would be appreciated.
|||You should do exectly the same as in second post here by Robert Bruckner MSFT
Your statement should be like
=Iif(ReportItems!Total_GALLONS1.Value > 0,ReportItems!Total_REVENUE1.Value/IIF(ReportItems!Total_GALLONS1.Value=0,1,ReportItems!Total_GALLONS1.Value), 0)
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