Sunday, February 19, 2012

attempted to divide by zero


i had this formula written for a textbox in a table, but yet still encounter the following error:


=iif(countdistinct(Fields!room.Value)=0,0, sum(Fields!rate.Value)/countdistinct(Fields!room.Value))


attempted to divide by zero.

any way i can solve this problem?


IIF is a function call which evaluates all arguments before it executes. Hence, given your expression a division by zero is possible. Try the following expression instead:
=IIf( CountDistinct(Fields!room.Value) = 0, 0, Sum(Fields!rate.Value) / iif(CountDistinct(Fields!room.Value) = 0, 1, CountDistinct(Fields!room.Value)))

In general, you want a pattern like this to avoid division by zero:
=iif(B=0, 0, A / iif(B=0, 1, B))

You could also define a generic DivideXByY function in the custom code section of the report that uses IF-ELSE-ENDIF statements (instead of the IIF function call) to perform the division and avoid the DivisionByZero exception.

-- Robert

|||thanks a lot, Robert.|||

Hello Robert,

Thanks for this post.This helps me a lot.

I have tried on many sites to get help but not getting much

Thanks again

Sunil Pawar.

|||This worked for me good work on this|||It would be good if we had a VBA function to do this. This is a common requirement. And a time waster until I found this post.|||

HI Everyone,

I generally use the following statement

=IIF(Fields!Profit.Value<>0, Fields!Profit.Value/ Fields!Sales.Value, Nothing)

For the most part this formula is simple and effective...

BUT (there is always a but!!)

I received an error message "attempted to divide by zero". I checked the tables to validate column formatting and everything appears to be okay (decimals(11,2) on both columns. If any one has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.



Please try out with this formula,

=iif(countdistinct(Fields!room.Value)=0,0, sum(Fields!rate.Value)/IIF(countdistinct(Fields!room.Value))=0,1,countdistinct(Fields!room.Value))

I think it will work.



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